The Most Gambling Countries in the World, Top 5 Most Gambling Nations

Millions of people on the planet spend their money gambling every year. Not all of them are lucky enough to win the coveted big score, but the risk does not stop lovers of fast money.

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Despite being a rather small country, it ranks 5th in the gambling ranking. Each adult here spends about $514 a year on fortune. At least 41% of adult Finns visit casinos every week. Most gamblers are young people aged 18 and older. The gaming industry is strictly controlled by the state. The largest such institution in the country is managed by the Ministry of Education, so most of the profits go to culture, art, development of educational institutions.

Locals spend an average of $528 a year on the lottery, roulette, sweepstakes, slots, poker and blackjack. According to sociologists, about 75% of adult Canadians occasionally spend time gambling. This kind of game is so popular that the government even ran social advertising to make clear to citizens that a lottery ticket is not the best present for a child for Christmas.

This is the most gambling country in Europe. The average Irish person spends $547 a year on gambling. The state has no control over the local gambling business. Previously there was a law under which the maximum bet on the machines could not exceed 6 pence, and the maximum winnings were limited to 10 shillings. But in 1999 the economy switched to the euro, so the restrictions were no longer in effect. After that, casinos proliferated wildly all over Ireland.

The first gambling house here opened only in 2010, but since then this city-state has managed to become one of the biggest centres of the gaming industry on the planet. Each resident spends approximately 1,093 American dollars a year on gambling. Many Singaporeans are seriously suffering from gambling addiction, in connection with which the government has even established a fee for entry into the casino - $ 80. Also, a unique system of "family exception" was created: if your relative regularly loses his money, you can achieve an official ban on visiting gambling establishments.

What country has the most gambling

If you are asked what the gambling country in Australia is, you should feel free to answer this one. An Australian spends an average of $1,199 at the casino each year. Here you can bet on almost anything, even on what the local Central Bank will set tomorrow. 80% of gamblers prefer slot machines: there are tens of thousands of varieties. Australia gets the honourable first place in our ranking.

It is possible that the real gambling countries are not included in our list, because this business is illegal there. And this proves once again, that it is useless to forbid such games. After all, as a result, people do not get rid of their addiction; they continue to gamble underground, while the level of corruption grows and the state budget is deprived of possible revenues.

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