Medication and Behavioral Therapy for ADHD in Kids: Understanding the Options

Treating ADHD in kids typically involves a combination of medication and behavioral therapy. Medication can help improve focus and reduce impulsivity,

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Treating ADHD in kids typically involves a combination of medication and behavioral therapy. Medication can help improve focus and reduce impulsivity, while behavioral therapy can help kids with ADHD learn new skills and strategies for managing their symptoms. In this article, we'll explore the options for medication and behavioral therapy for ADHD in kids.

Medication for ADHD in Kids

Medication for ADHD in kids typically involves stimulant medications, such as Ritalin or Adderall, which can help improve focus and reduce impulsivity. Non-stimulant medications, such as Strattera, may also be used. It's important to work with a healthcare provider to determine the best medication and dosage for each child with ADHD.

Behavioral Therapy for ADHD in Kids

Behavioral therapy how to treat adhd in kids can involve a variety of strategies, including parent training, social skills training, and cognitive-behavioral therapy. Behavioral therapy can help kids with ADHD learn new skills and strategies for managing their symptoms and improving their daily lives.

Combination Treatment for ADHD in Kids

Combination treatment for ADHD in kids involves a combination of medication and behavioral therapy. This approach can be effective in improving focus and reducing impulsivity while also providing kids with the skills and strategies they need to manage their symptoms.


Treating ADHD in kids typically involves a combination of medication and behavioral therapy. By working with a healthcare provider to determine the best treatment plan, parents can help their child with ADHD improve their daily lives and manage their symptoms effectively.

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